Thursday, November 5, 2009

About "Tables and Table Data"

Yesterday I wrote up the tutorial teaching how to format a blog post using html coding to format a table and the data to go in that table. One thing I didn't explain is why you might want to use this process.

Learning to format within existing code (the existing code makes your blog look how it does, usually by using existing templates that you choose) expands your horizons. It is simply learning how to work within the bounderies you have been given.

A while ago, I wanted to create a post which had pictures on one side with words to describe those pictures in a somewhat poetic way on the other side. I had a definate way I wanted the post to look, but I needed to use html code to get it to look that certain way.

Another time I just wanted to change the background color of my post along with the text, just to get it to stand out a bit and look a little different.

By creating columns, inserting breaks, and adding a different background color I could position the pics and the words any way I wanted and give the post the exact look and feel I was going for.

Existing templates are wonderful tools, but when you want a custom look, oft times handcoding with html is exactly what is needed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tables and Table Data

Sorry I've let so much time go by before adding any more info. I was surprised to come back and find some new followers! Welcome!

Okay, what I'd like to do today is show you how to change the color of the background area you are working in, like I did in this post, and then add pics and words in two separate columns. We will use <br> to start a new line. Add more breaks <br> if you want more space in between. Okay, so let's learn about tables.

You learned about website body's here. Remember how we could change the background color to any color that we liked, using hexidecimal codes that start with the # sign and have 6 letter/number combinations? We are going to do that again, but instead of putting it in the body tag, we are going to put it in the table tag. It will be basically the same principle though.

So first of all, let's choose a color. I'm going to choose Spring Green for the background color, and violet for the text color.

So I start by typing:
<table bgcolor=#4AA02C>
Then You can add pictures on this side (if you've forgotten how to add pics, review this post)

<img src=""> <br>
<img src="" >

Then add words to this side in a new table data:
<font color="#8D38C9">Weekends <br>
Sleeping late >/font<


So it looks like this:

Then You can add pictures on this side

Then add words to this side in a new table data:


Sleeping late

So the table is the big area that I've colored green. We did nothing with the table row (tr) this time, but you still have to put it in your code between the table and table data. And the table data (td) has the info and pics in it in columns. Get it?

Go have fun!
(because I didn't explain the *why* behind wanting to use tables, I wrote this new blog post today that you might be interested in reading.)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Frame Around the Pic

Ok, I have been sad to have "frameless" pictures on my blog. See when I upload pics into blogger, they automatically make it clickable, but sometimes I don't want I just do <img src="http://the name of my pic.jpg"> (see this How-to if you are confused. The problem is, that cute little frame goes away.

BUT I have found that if I do a CSS code instead of an HTML code, it works with minimul changes.

This is the code for the picture above:
<img style="margin: 0px auto 10px;" src="" />

It is the "margin: 0px auto 10px;" after the img style (instead of img src).

Have I totally confused you? Drop me a line and let me know if this is as clear as mud and I'll try to verbalize better, okay?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Linking Revisited

I was asked the following question by noexcuses today: "I'm a newby. Can you tell me how to turn a word into a link back to Coffee Bean, or another location?
I've never done it, and it would be great to reference another's blog when I write something, enabling the reader to click on that blog, rather than just trying to remember the blog name, or writing down on one's arm...."

Good question!

There are two ways on blogger to add links.

The first way is for you to do the code by hand. The code for a link is <a href= target="new"> No Excuses - Musings of a Procrastinator</a>

The "<" and ">" tags start and end each phrase of HTML. The "a href=" is where the link will go. You put that around the words you want your readers to read. Then you end the code with a "/" sign.

The target="new" means that a new window will open with the other person's blog, but your blog will still be open on their screen too. This helps them to not lose where they came from, and to let them go back to reading the rest of your blog when they are done looking at the other person's blog.

So you will do the <a href="where_ever_you_want_to_link_to" target="new">What Ever Word You Want Linkable</a>

If this is completely unclear, take a look at this post that I did awhile ago. You won't be trying to make a button, which is mostly what this post is about, but it does explain the "a href" thing in detail.

The other way is this: when you are writing your blog post, highlight the word you want to have be a clickable link like this:

then click on the link button (kind of a greenish icon) between the i and the " up on the toolbar:

Add the link address, making sure that it looks like this:

Make sure that there is only one http:// and that the address that you want to have linked to is cut and pasted so that there are no mistakes in the addy. (Cutting and pasting addresses is done by highlighting the address in the address bar and clicking "copy" and then pasting into the address box, like above.)

That is it! It is a lot easier than it sounds! So just play around with which ever method you like best, and it will soon be second nature!

If you have any questions, be sure and ask it in the comments and I'll clear it up, okay?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Lessons Learned Over the Holidays

There are a couple new things with my blog that I have worked on lately that I am excited to share with you.

The first was learning how to change the background, the "outer wrapper", and the header to change the look and feel. I wanted a new look for Christmas, but have been disappointed with the loading time of some of the cute backgrounds I've seen on other's blogs. Not to mention, when I visited the site to choose the cute look, my computer crashed. So, I took matters into my own hands, using free backgrounds I've found on the 'net. Below are the three for the holidays, and you can see my current look by visiting Also, I have posted the links to the backgrounds I used on the sidebar.

The second was to create a table within a blog post (shown below). This made me sooo excited because it gave me extreme control over posting pics and words together in a way that I wanted without having to make it an image that would take forever to load for viewers. It allowed me to have my pics and words on a separate background color, too, enhancing the visual effect of it all.


Sleeping late.

Enjoying friendships.

Eating junk food.

Working on projects.

Playing games.

Reading books.




Early to bed.


So, over the next week or two, I will be discussing each of these sections separately: Creating a header, finding and changing the background and "outer wrapper" of a blogspot blog (I'll have to look separately at my wordpress blog and see if I can do the same thing there), and creating a table within a blog post.

Stay tuned!